Wednesday 17 May 2017

About Friendships & Their Impact


Relationships can take you far or destroy you, bad company indeed corrupts, Good company adds value, examine your friendships by seeing how far you have come with those friends. 
If you have friends who have no vision, you will have no vision as well, if you have friends who keep complaining and doing nothing, you won't be any different, if you have friends who are pessimistic instead of optimistic, that's the same image you will carry.
I attribute many of the great things I have learned and continue to grow through just because of the people who are in my life, my wife is my friend, I have good friends from the church and their contribution continues to be immense.
Are you the kind of person people would love to hang out with because you will add value to them, take it as a plus, are you the type people will keep saying keep a distance from such a person because their influence isn't good, yeah relationships are great things but we need to know which type of relationships are the best.
For us to make it in this life, we need to know that people matter and that they are important in every journey, know who should be in your life and in what season, know when to leave certain groups because your time could be up, don't get dragged by those who don't want to see you move, those who don't want to impact society, those who don't want to be role models. It is really in your heart to decide who can come in and who can go out. Make meaningful relationships that are God-honoring.

Wednesday 19 April 2017

Don't Stop In Your Journey, Take A Rest But Keep Moving

When I started out my life after CAMPUS, I happened to get an opportunity to do Internship at one of the Good Working places in Uganda.
First of all, I wasn't supposed to be given internship since I had already finished University but I told the people I had gone to ask an opportunity, "All I Want To Do Is LEARN". After one week, I was called to go and start my internship.
As I started growing and learning so many things, I became eligible to get a mini contract to be able to work full time. While such an opportunity kept presenting itself, I got involved in lunch hour prayers at work and this would be done promptly within the stipulated time of lunch which was indeed an hour.
Then some day I was told by a few people within the HR department, that the Director HR did not like me because of MY FAITH in Christ Jesus [I hope its not true till today], However I was already getting even more popular because God had opened the door for me to share about the Kingdom at the work place.
So the mini-contract I was meant to get did not materialize because someone thought otherwise. It hurt me a lot but I had to keep trusting God for other opportunities, Nothing came easy after I left that place of work.
When I left, I searched and searched for other places to intern or train but nothing came, I dropped CVs in the places as I walked within town with the hope that one day they would call me but still that did not happen. It so happened that things did not come as fast as expected, I also learnt that having good results doesn't automatically guarantee you a place, skills are very important for a market place as those were some of the questions they kept on asking me, do you know this or that, it made me realize that I had to add on to my degree knowledge certain practical skills to be relevant in the market place.
I decided I would do anything even if it wasn't in line with my career because I just wanted to learn and understand the Market place. I worked in store where we sorted imported books with my friend Isiagi Moses Ish, I also eventually worked in a fumigation company with Isiagi and Fabian. Those were growth points for me because I happened to volunteer as a Bible study teacher there after in FOCUS Uganda for almost 5 months until I got another opportunity to do something in line with my career. 
You will be denied in some places not because you don't qualify but just because you don't have the required skills, keep improving, keep learning because so much keeps changing day by day.
Currently I work in a very Challenging Place [Makerere University] and it seems like everyday is a new chapter, as long as we are still alive there so much to do that God has deposited within us. Let God be glorified in your work, be excellent even if you have to do the least thing, just be excellent.

There Is Value In "RUBBISH"

If someone looks at you and says you are rubbish, look at yourself and say this rubbish has value and make something good come out of it.
It was some years ago when I was training at a certain government office. It was a good place with great opportunity for growth and exposure. My fellow trainees and I faced the wrath of an HR everyday as he called us names and no-bodys. Too bad I did not know Luganda very well but some of the things they would translate to me were just too much to comprehend that it would bring tears down our eyes. One day he said, "You will never amount to anything, you guys are a bunch of useless people, you don't even deserve to be here".
Such words pained us so bad that we did not ever want to cross his path as if we had denied him something and probably that was the only way he could get back to us by threatening that he will send us away (FIRE) or refusing us to get a little stipend. We indeed reported such an issue to our Manager that eventually reached the top guns who settled the DUST and said these young men and women shouldn't be disturbed and that we should receive our allowances.
We resolved not to fear but to do our work and keep learning. One of my favorite songs at that point in life was HE's ABLE by Dettrick Haddon. I kept playing that song and singing it out aloud to my colleagues and as three months passed, it became a year and and 6 months. We started getting our little pay per week and continued learning more everyday. We chose not to look down on ourselves but to look at those who encouraged us and believed in us.
To cut the long story short, eventually a time came for me to move, as I was encouraged by the manager then, these were his words to me. Arthur, "If you want to grow more in your career, you have to leave this place". It was a hard pill to swallow because I had gotten quite comfortable but I hearkened to his words and took the challenge of applying for a job where i would have a properly recognized appointment letter and God indeed opened doors.
I learnt that I should not let the opinions of of others about me stop me from growing and rising in my life. I also learnt that such obstacles come in life but the way you maneuver them can determine how you can get through them, but be sure you will feel low and be bumped here and there. I also learnt that you don't need many people to believe in you, just one person is enough.
Fast forward, I meet this HR person somewhere in our walks of life and the person couldn't believe that the young man he once yelled at is a some body today. There were shades of guilt because he really humbled himself while talking to me... My response towards him was gracious and as we kept meeting, I kept doing good. He even encouraged me to do my MASTERS, what a mighty God we serve, this time instead of getting a point blank attitude, it was one of encouragement.
Life is hustle, the people you ignore on your way up, could be the same people you find on your way down, treat people right and value them as your own, do good to them and push them to achieve their dreams just like you were pushed to achieve yours. That's a chapter in life we have to go through to enable us grow.
Psalm 139:14 NLT Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! Your workmanship is marvelous—how well I know it. 15 You watched me as I was being formed in utter seclusion, as I was woven together in the dark of the womb.
16 You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed.

Tuesday 17 January 2017

Some Jobs Are Not Attractive But They Are Gold Mines

While coming to work. This track was a head of me and I saw a young man sit in there. I know his job is to collect cabbage and he is paid for it by KCCA.

Every two weeks at home where my family and I stay. There is a young man with a family that used to come with a bicycle to pick rubbish. He did this for 3 families in our 6 rental units. However he would come when he has already picked rubbish from other places as well.
One day my wife and I were shocked to see a bike (boda boda) packed at our gate and we asked him whose bike it was and he said, "It is mine". This young man had upgraded from a bicycle to a motor bike and I was impressed.
From having more engagements with him. We also found out that the rubbish he collects he takes it to a place where he sells it in Butabika especially to those people who are in the business of making bricks because they use the rubbish to fill the areas that have been dug. So you can imagine. He comes picks rubbish and he is paid 2000 ugx for everyone he has picked from and then he sells what looks like rubbish to us yet to him it is a gold mine and he is paid for it. This is quite impressive.
We still found out that he rares pigs and from this story, I seem to understand that attitude towards work is key and that you and I can turn what seems to look bad into something good and we also have to be determined to grow.
I leave us with the scripture about DOING "WORKING". We need to think of GOOD even from some of these opportunities that don't present themselves with the white collar element.
Scripture Reference. Galatians 6:9 NLT "So let's not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don't give up"

Do You Have Plans - It Is Important To Commit To God, Think Through And Implement Them

Hello good people, been thinking about the different plans my family had and also some of the achievements my wife and I realized in 2016. I realized that in planning, it takes just a step of faith to begin or start whatever God has put in your heart. But until you step out you will not know that it can be done.
When we look back at some of the goals we had set out, we realized at least 50% was done. And resolution for 2017 is to keep going, keep building on the progress we had already made and to keep committing the Plans in progress and the new plans set so that God can establish them.
I have come to realize that God has given us so much potential, dominion and power and we can use these for success or failure. We are a choice away from making it or just being stagnant or failing. We forget there are lessons to learn from the mistakes made, we forget that failure is not our last name because we aren't less than what we ought to be. We have the power to choose what can come out of our lives. When the University was closed for 2 months, In that time I used the opportunity to explore UBER and I started driving clients around and I can tell you, if you have a bad attitude towards work then you will keep complaining about everything and everyone saying they don't care yet it really starts with you. That money paid our bills, that money did so much that I can't name none the less God used that opportunity to give us confidence, to open our minds to know that we can depend on him and that he can guide and give us wisdom and tell us what to do - He created us to do good works and to also work and not sit back thinking manna will fall from heaven yet actually. We continued to sell yellow york eggs made on order to our clients and these have kept us going up until now.
Some of the grit I have comes from the volunteering experience I had with FOCUS Uganda, instead of sitting home, My friend Omunyoro Damon K Wamara encouraged me to go volunteer and such experiences are humbling and they give you the right attitude in life, Am forever grateful to him.
Our plans couldn't stop because of a delay or because of a change in circumstance we had to keep looking up and only re-strategize and keep believing in God to see us through. God indeed has the final say but he works with what you have in your hand. Set Goals but don't leave them on paper.
Scripture Reference: Proverbs 16:3 NLT Commit your actions to the LORD, and your plans will succeed.
NB. Will be sharing some of the testimonies of God's faithfulness in due time.

Thursday 1 December 2016

But Divide Your Investments Among Many Places

BUT DIVIDE YOUR INVESTMENTS AMONG MANY PLACES,for you don't know what risks may lie ahead.

Life is full of so many ups and downs, highs and lows. Imagine yourself having no salaried job in the next days or months, some people live life fully guaranteed with job security yet tragedy can happen any time.
I don't wake up late or sleep whole day - that is total disaster to my life and to the legacy I want my children to have. I wake up and do work - work is a gift and it isn't necessarily a job (even within a job you work just that it is defined for you). I use the skills I have at hand to earn from them and God is being faithful. 
Do you know that your driving permit can take you places, Do you know that the way you teach from the different things God has taught you or done can open doors for you and you are gifted with monies you don't even expect. Do you know that your integrity can grant you favor before people and today or tomorrow your getting a call and someone says they felt like getting you this and that, but you also can't just live from miracle to miracle, remember a little sleep, a little slumber, a litter folding of the arms - poverty knocks at your door. Do you know that you get called because of recommendations from friends and family because of the wonderful example you have set and how you have lived out your life - it is all a testimony. Do you know that those many cars you have parked and aren't being used, can earn you money instead of them being wasted away to luxury or that computer that seems old but just put way in the hip at the garage or that space behind your house that can enable you plant home grown foods. Instead of worrying, get up and put to task what you have been learning everyday.
Here are few key principles from the bible that can prepare you for hard times and in such hard times you can be prosperous just like ISAAC in the bible when they were struck by famine see Genesis 26:1-22
I like vs 22 .. this is what it says
Genesis 1:22 Abandoning that one, Isaac moved on and dug another well. This time there was no dispute over it, so Isaac named the place Rehoboth (which means “open space”), for he said, “At last the Lord has created enough space for us to prosper in this land.”
In hard times, when you don't give up, you will often find that open space, but the question is what do you do?, don't sit down waiting for someone to come and dig a well for you, someone to come and wake you up to think or start something to generate income or even volunteer. God has given us many open spaces or opportunities, we just don't want to use what is in our hands. In hard times purpose is born and passion is fueled, you basically have no limits and no time to cry and say this or that.

Take these lessons from Ecclesiastes 11
1 Send your grain across the seas,
and in time, profits will flow back to you.[a]

ENGAGE IN TRADE - You can always EARN through selling and buying (it could be a service, product, skill etc)
2 But divide your investments among many places,[b]
for you do not know what risks might lie ahead.

MAKE INVESTMENTS - investing itself is a risk but there is nothing that is so clear in life, you have to have faith, even starting a business is a risk but you have to spread your investment not just in one place but in many. The parable of the TALENTS explains this as well.
3 When clouds are heavy, the rains come down.
Whether a tree falls north or south, it stays where it falls.

IT CAN RAIN any moment - how prepared are you.
4 Farmers who wait for perfect weather never plant.
If they watch every cloud, they never harvest.

5 Just as you cannot understand the path of the wind or the mystery of a tiny baby growing in its mother’s womb,[c] so you cannot understand the activity of God, who does all things.
EVENTUALLY GOD DOES ALL THINGS - remember commit your plans (Whatever they are ) to the Lord he has the final say at-least give him what to work with not just an empty hand and mind.
6 Plant your seed in the morning and keep busy all afternoon, for you don’t know if profit will come from one activity or another—or maybe both.

Tuesday 1 November 2016

You Don't Have To Be Old To Own A House

There is no greater story I have encountered today like the story of this young man called Nicholas Luwuge from Kalangala. The daily monitor of today has published a story of how he has built a two-roomed house see this link for more If there is any story of great inspiration today, it is from this young man. There is so much we can learn. 

We often look for INSPIRATION from very far, yet we have some of it just around us, The story of this young man should challenge all of us, A 13 Year OLD building a 2 roomed house, it might not be to the standard many of us want but the mere fact he did it through Hard Work, Desire to Change his mother situation and Saving money to make sure that he meets his goal of a house, this should be great inspiration for one to take in and sit back and think about all the resources they have and what it can do, you could be having more and you don't know what to do with it, let this young man's story push you to BELIEVE. To add on, this man pays his own school fees and feeds his family.

Recently while listening to Richard Senkwale, he made a very strong statement and he said that, “A good Saver must save 25% and above”. He also mentioned and said that a PLAN compels us to work harder and that if we aren’t disciplined, there is no way we can save. I want to believe that this young man embodied these principles and applied them and put them to work.

The things that seem so hard in life were done by men and women who sat back and told themselves that I will do this and that. I will achieve my dream no matter what. Often such people turn a deaf ear to impossibilities and believe without a doubt that it is possible to rise above the challenge. There is nothing that can’t be done, you just have to put your mind to it and keep trying without giving up.

Scripture reference:
Luke 14:28 "Suppose one of you wants to build a tower. Won't you first sit down and estimate the cost to see if you have enough money to complete it?
Proverbs 21:5 Good planning and hard work lead to prosperity, but hasty shortcuts lead to poverty.
Proverbs 10:5 
Poor is he who works with a negligent hand, But the hand of the diligent makes rich

Wednesday 26 October 2016

Why It Is Important To Gain Skills Or Skill Yourself

Studying For A Job Vs Studying To Create Jobs

There are many opportunities but very few people with Skills to take them on. I have read in the papers through the years how the point of skilling University students is very important. Many have even been encouraged to go to Technical and Vocational Schools but somehow we have been trained to go to school, get a degree and then get a job but times have changed and the job or economic Market is not just after people with degrees but after people who can use their skills to improve their lives and those of others, create more jobs and be Entrepreneurs etc.

When You Realize You Are Skilled - Stand Out

I have seen and been convinced that when you are skillful and you choose to standout, there are great rewards that come with it. We can tell of people like Michael Jordan who was looked down by his coaches earlier but that did not stop him from believing himself and his abilities. What he did in the NBA is very historical, every child born even in this time knows the name Michael Jordan. Many other great athletes like Lebron James, Kobe Bryant say, that they wanted to be like Mike because he set a standard and inspired them.

See The Gap, Don't Talk Too Much, Just Work At It

When I was at work last year, I saw a gap that needed to be addressed and I knew that to address that gap, I need to gain some skills in using PHOTOSHOP, you know the process of learning is never easy. 

When you start out something, have a plan, be determined and don't let your focus down.

I started on the journey by looking at YouTube videos for beginners, checking out how to do simple designs and hence input my ART skills and see what comes out. Like a baby I took it one crawl and step at a time.
I have improved a bit as am still learning and the skills are really coming in handy.

It is important for us to gain skills especially if we  want to venture into something that can help us in the long run. Sometimes you might not have the money to take you to a training but you have an Internet resource at your disposal, why not use it and enhance your skills. One day you could be talking and saying you can do this and that and it will be a great door opening for you. Learn a new skill and try and master it so that you can become good at it.

Your Surroundings, Friends etc can be a source of Inspiration

If you also have the money to take you for training, please invest in yourself, the best investment any one can do is to themselves is to self educate. My good friends Andrew Odoch Umahtete, Edward Hire Yosia, Luwum Daniel have been great examples of acquiring knowledge of the different ventures they have gotten into. 

 "Formal education will make you a living; self-education will make you a fortune" - Jim Rohn

I have learnt a number of things from them and what stands out is their drive to educate themselves on a subject they are interested in or passionate about. If you want to be a leadership coach or Gym Trainer, do whatever it takes to learn about that trade. There should be no room for excuses, knowledge is out there, it is only laziness that is costing us. 

The bible says this in 1 Peter 2:5 (NIV) For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge.

We need knowledge, this has been said a thousand times, knowledge is important as it gives you the keys of what seemed unknown but is now known.

Proverbs 18:16 (KJV) says A man's gift maketh room for him, and bringeth him before great men.
Your skill can become your gift. 

So gain SKILLS and lets skill Uganda and many other people.

Then when you have gained a skill don't be afraid to share and teach others, in teaching you are causing a ripple effect and your are taking yourself higher as people will begin to refer many to you and it can become a great source of income and networks as well.

Today, I post a video that I tried out using Photoshop premier CS6 to develop, It is not the best, but I thought I could learn a few things with video editing, I took this video from my laptop and used the Photoshop at my disposal
#Impact #Empower #Transform

Thursday 20 October 2016

Clara Lawoko With The Enterprizing Rafikiz Products Like Juice, Body Soaps & Creams

There is a young Christian Lady called Clara Lawoko wife to Lawoko Apollo WalkerShe is the co-founder of Rafikiz Group . Whatever they are doing is MIND BLOWING and more so they are young and innovative and out of passion for what they love, a budding enterprenuership company opened up to bridge the gap and offer high end Rafikiz Juice which serves fresh Juice, Smoothies and vegetarian snacks. They have a great slogan that says It's is all about helping you make the best nutritional choices for you, your friends and family.

They also offer Rafikiz Body supplies a range of shea butter based products like creams and soaps. Shea butter is well known for its ability to restore and protect skin and hair.
We live in a time where people are choosing to go natural in almost everything they partake of, you know organic unprocessed stuff is what they give you and you wouldn't want to miss, THIS IS A MOVEMENT that you wouldn't want to miss out on. We import a lot of body soaps and creams from out, yet we have the natural solutions that are probably in your backyard but more so Uganda is blessed with many of these nice things. Take a look at their Page to find out more using this link
Visit their website to also find out more on what they offer
I tried out their JUICE and hey, you want to know what I felt, Just give them a call on +256 706 016 107

Check out this comment from one of the customers 

"Jeanne Kabera Tried & tasted personally......rafikiz juice is top notch natural & totally healthy, it's juice in it's purest& healthiest form... ..."

Thursday 22 September 2016

Jesus Is Coming, Yeshua Is Coming, When I Don't Know But He Is Coming


This post is not about prophetic gymnastic of you are going to build a big building, or you are going to drive the most expensive car or that am going to guess your brother or sisters name or where you work or your birthday. It is about the Lord's coming and about our hearts being prepared.

I remember when we were a little younger, when we heard in a message that Jesus was coming, we kind of freaked out and tried to live a good life from that point of the message until a certain point when it became a normal message and we got used to it. Yesterday while meditating I was reminded in my Spirit that Indeed JESUS IS COMING. The question is how prepared are we for his coming, are we excited that we shall be rejoined with our KING or is it because we still want to do and accomplish certain things that in any case can't add anything to our lives, there is nothing that is bigger than JESUS, He is life, He is everything.

God reminded me of how when we were kids and we heard our parents were on the way home from work, we would do everything to make sure the house was in order so that nothing bad is found, But what I got from that message is that we took our parents coming serious because they told us to abide by certain things and we wanted them to find them in order lest we would be spanked but for a good cause so that we grow up responsible people.

What strongly came into my heart is where has the REVERENCE and FEAR for God gone?, we are now living in a time where it's a normal message, people no longer break into repentance at the message of the cross because we think the subject of Jesus coming back is a hoax or it will take forever, my friends, family and colleagues, the King of kings will come and he is coming, when I don't know but you are better off being prepared than living your life without Christ himself who is our hope of glory.

Wickedness greatly increases and these were spoken of by the Lord Jesus himself, people's hearts are growing cold, we are preoccupying ourselves with the CARCASS of this world, we are like vultures gathering and feeding on the CARCASS and our souls are dying and growing cold, we are no longer sensitive to his word, we read and study it in passing just to show face that you know a scripture but you totally deny it's power, we are in a time where we are chasing after men and women of God instead of chasing after the God who created men and women, we are in a time where the world is redefining very many things, redefining what a man or woman can be, changing the story of marriage to something else, Bibles have been kicked out of schools, prayer is being stifled and you can't mention the name of Jesus because it is offensive we are in a time where our total trust is in men, women, property, power instead of in the most high God himself. We are in a time where selfishness increases, It is all about one's life, people are doing whatever it takes to be known and to get fame, pride has taken over and humility has taken a back sit, Lust is the order of the day, we dress in ways that look trendy whether it is revealing or not we don't care because we call it FASHION. It is good to be in the SPOTLIGHT but it is better to be the LIGHT of God in this world. The Lord comes with love and rebuke, he still is very merciful upon us but how ready are we, are you going to be like the five foolish virgins or the five wise virgins, the choice is entirely yours.

People have died before his coming and they have lived reckless lives without God, Don't wait to come to the Lord when you are too old or too weak, Do it when you are young, Do it when you still can impact lives for Jesus, I know it's never too late, God can snatch you at anytime even on your death bed but It's a beautiful experience to live for Christ and share about what he did on the cross in a serious way.


What Are You Doing About Your Situation?

"...Whatsoever He Doeth Shall Prosper" - Psalm 1:3

Are you the type that wakes up in the morning and you have nothing to do or you are waiting to be told what to do. Are you the one who keeps planning but never implements, Are you the one who says I will do this when I have all the right ingredients.

The ACT of doing something opens the door to prosper. Whatever you do will prosper not what you think about and just leave it lying there. Ideas have been snatched and taken up by serious people who see the bigger picture.

As you arise this morning, Is it something you wanted to blog about, Is it an improvement in your business or ministry that you want to do, Is it a new painting you want to put in your house, Is it growing food within your compound. We cannot be complacent anymore.
Serious people get serious results.
This is what the Bible says in Psalm 1:3
"And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper."

Also remember that God blesses the works of our hands. Use everything God has given you and DO SOMETHING, Be visionary and start small, learn from the processes, research and implement, don't just sit back.

Choose what kind of Tree you want to be by
1. Re-positioning yourself to a source that brings life (River)
2. Purpose to bear FRUIT in all you do
3. Avoid being the type withers because whatever doesn't bring fruit is cut off

Wednesday 21 September 2016

Evaluate Yourself With These Financial Terms

Some Evaluations Of Financial Terms
1. Cash Flow - Money you bring in
2. Expenses - Money you spend
3. Assets - Something that pays you
4. Liabilities - Something that costs you

When you look at this, it should get you thinking. Many times we complain and say we are not where we want to be because so and so did not help me or my relative did not do this for me, As much as we are meant to be helped in life there are certain principles that are universal and the onus is on someone to learn and apply them in their lives. There people who have grown up in alot of money and still squandered it because they do not have the discipline to manage and be good stewards.
Start evaluating yourself and ask what brings in money, list them down, start asking yourself what takes away money and make a spending plan to know where you money goes. 
Start asking yourself what pays - it could be an asset that brings in passive income, it could be a business, skill, side job etc but its lying dormant because you are still waiting for the right time and right opportunity, the right time and opportunity plays into the hands of those that are ready and prepared and have been doing something.

Start asking yourself what really costs me, you could be having 5 cars and yet you only use one, 4 fridges and yet one or two can work and that increases on your bill, 3 washing machines etc.
Do an EVALUATION and write down inline with those 4 things - it could be an eye opener to you.
Proverbs 21:20 says, "There is treasure to be desired and oil in the dwelling of the wise; but a foolish man spendeth it up."

Tuesday 6 September 2016

You Can Prosper The Right Way

The Bible is clear about certain things like this
Proverbs 17:20 One whose heart is corrupt does not prosper;one whose tongue is perverse falls into trouble.
We have heard what has been said before, as a man thinketh in his heart so is he. If your heart is full of corruption, what you see as prosperity is not what the bible defines, people have done crazy things in the name of prosperity but we forget we need to maintain a right and pure heart.
The power of life and death lies in the tongue, and a perverse tongue as well stipulated by the writer clearly leads to trouble. When you use your tongue to lie your way into getting riches the end result is un-ending trouble - some even lead to death until you reverse, renounce and let God cleanse you of all filthiness.
Business can be done in a clean way even though we have to go through the crooked systems in this world. You can always have the favor of God as you do business.

Proverbs 13:11 says, "Dishonest money dwindles away, but whoever gathers money little by little makes it grow."
Proverbs 21:6 says, "The acquisition of treasures by a lying tongue Is a fleeting vapor, the pursuit of death. "
Proverbs 10:4 says,  "Laziness leads to poverty; hard work makes you rich."
Proverbs 12:24 says "Work hard, and you will be a leader; be lazy, and you will end up a slave."
Ezekiel 28:4 says "Your wisdom has certainly made you rich, because you have storehouses filled with gold and silver."  

One of the most classic examples of prospering the right way is the testimony and life of Joseph.
You can read Genesis 37 for more information on this.

Friday 2 September 2016

Quick Cash & Quick Things

One of the hardest things to tame is the desire to have something quick. In the name of wanting quick things, wrong decisions are made which can be detrimental. 
Talk about making quick money. Many have been duped by Networking/Pyramid schemes. Sometimes the persuasion seems so real that you can feel like a billionaire at that time, forgetting that things worked for are things worth valuing and fighting for.

There are no shortcuts, we have to be intentional about work and growing ourselves in a proper way. Shortcuts may eventually lead to destruction, success is not for the lazy so let us do what we have to do instead of doing nothing.

There is this one thing called Betting that has taken up the minds of so many people be it corporate or the everyday person. Students have betted their school fees and ended up committing suicide. We need to learn the value of work and making the right investments. It won't always be true that you will get your odds right, the temptation is high after being successful the first time, you keep telling yourself you need ago at betting once more.

I have had of how people have sold property in the name of betting and this has brought lots of problems and curses.
There is a story line in the link below that should tell us to avoid being caught by the wave of betting, things that come quick also disappear quick

Proverbs 21:5 - The plans of the diligent lead surely to advantage, But everyone who is hasty comes surely to poverty.

Salvation Did Not Come Easy, It Came At A Price But It Was Freely Given


When I think about God's love for me and you, I see a vivid picture of Jesus Christ on the Cross. Have you ever thought about the pain he went through, the blood he shed for you, the crown of thorns that pierced him, the shame he bore.

if it wasn't for Christ, we would be no whereif it wasn't for him accepting the cup of suffering, we wouldn't be reconciled to our Makerif it wasn't for the beating, we wouldn't proclaim healing

Have you ever sat back and thought about your life, is it really pleasing to God, may be not or may it is, but everyday you get a chance to breath and see a new day. I am writing to remind you that God is watching over you, He has rescued you many times that you can't even count, He has held you when everyone walked out of your life, He has given you peace in the midst of the storms of life, that sickness should have killed you but he had mercy on you and gave you life. You put your trust in many things and yet they haven't been a covering for you like our God.

When you sit down to drink or eat or sing or laugh or cry or shout or boast or frame or diss or reject or depress or live in unforgiveness or step on someone, remember this God still loves you and he wouldn't have created you if he did not. Our life belongs to God but we many times give it out to many other things.

Romans 8:5 "But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us"

Thursday 25 August 2016

Something I Once Loved - A message from A friend who wants many to see the Light and Be Transformed.

This message is as it is,

The question you should ask yourself at the end of the day is, what are your giving yourself too in the name of Love?, it should be a good thing to evaluate yourself and know your priorities and know your value, you shouldn't trade temporary moments for pleasure for lasting impact and consequences in your life, 

In this little Poetic, Simple and beautiful letter, a heart that is transformed wants you not to be tamed by darkness but to be enlightened by the Light. Read on and be blessed, you will get to know that there is a REWARD for everything, 
The bible says in 

Proverbs 14:14
The faithless will be fully repaid for their ways,    and the good rewarded for theirs.
You Can Get Repaid or Rewarded, Choose What your Outcome Will Be 

*Something I Once Loved...*

Something I loved once gave me a box full of darkness.

No victim of love goes un-rewarded because *LOVE* is *GENEROUS* and *HIGHLY APPRECIATIVE*. It always gives back, however, the reward depends on where  the love was invested. With love too, Terms and Conditions apply as the reward is always known to the victim right from the time of investment, but to this, less attention is paid.

From my love for smoke, I acquired lung cancer. Little did I know that this was Mr. Smoke saying "For your faithfulness towards me, I couldn't say Thankyou any better."

One day, I woke up to the bitter fact that my Liver had stopped filtering blood, detoxifying chemicals and metabolizing drugs because it had been over worked by my love and over consumption of alcohol.
My Heart too did not escape the package of boyfriends/girlfriends who succeeded in convincing me that sex was not only the exact but also, the correct definition of LOVE!!!
From my love for Sex, did I not yield my fleshy lustful desires? Or was not the gate opened for infatuation in my life? Oh, what an investment!!! And what a reward!!!
All of these, I loved and cherished then, but now, I'm a child of the day, and of the light. No longer do I travail the darkness and to the night, do I belong no more. 
1Thessalonians 5:4-10

I do not use the phrase, *"Something I loved once gave me a box full of darkness*. *It took me so long to understand that this too, was a gift,"* because it is well put. I use it because I've been at that place where you, that is reading this article and saying that "Someone must have told her my 
story" is at. I've paced through valleys of life before but God allowed that to happen to me, so that you would escape it.

So what is it that you love so dearly and what are you likely to reap from it? Are your investment plus reward worth Christ dying for? Think about it.

I can also END by reiterating, THINK ABOUT.

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