Thursday 18 May 2017

God Makes All Things New


I don't know what is holding you down or holding you back. I have come to remind someone today that God IS AT WORK. As a young man, a few years ago, my mum would drop me at Nakawa, there after I would have to head to Kyambogo College School, But that wouldn't be the case, I would wait for her to drive off and then go meet up with my peeps in Luzira and just hang out the whole day playing pool, drinking a few sachets with the pocket money and puffing some cigars. 
The thorns of PEER Pressure had pricked so deep that it took sometime to pull them out. I wanted to STOP but just did not have the STRENGTH to. But the prayers of my mum and other saints went up before the Lord and at his OPPORTUNE TIME, he brought me back under the fold of Grace and Truth.
Sometimes we give up on people or even or our selves but I know that God always MAKES A WAY and does a NEW THING, Indeed he says we shall know of it as it springs forth. Have you prayed for too long and it seems like its taking forever, hang in there, GOD HEARS PRAYER, he will make a way, you don't have to know how but he will do a new thing. I have been a enjoying life in the Kingdom of Light since my S.6 Vacation and there is no way I can be convinced that life in the kingdom of God is boring, my life is more meaningful than those times I wasted [it was my learning ground]. I have a life of Purpose, Impact & Transformation.
Be blessed by this song, it ministers to me.

Wednesday 17 May 2017

About Friendships & Their Impact


Relationships can take you far or destroy you, bad company indeed corrupts, Good company adds value, examine your friendships by seeing how far you have come with those friends. 
If you have friends who have no vision, you will have no vision as well, if you have friends who keep complaining and doing nothing, you won't be any different, if you have friends who are pessimistic instead of optimistic, that's the same image you will carry.
I attribute many of the great things I have learned and continue to grow through just because of the people who are in my life, my wife is my friend, I have good friends from the church and their contribution continues to be immense.
Are you the kind of person people would love to hang out with because you will add value to them, take it as a plus, are you the type people will keep saying keep a distance from such a person because their influence isn't good, yeah relationships are great things but we need to know which type of relationships are the best.
For us to make it in this life, we need to know that people matter and that they are important in every journey, know who should be in your life and in what season, know when to leave certain groups because your time could be up, don't get dragged by those who don't want to see you move, those who don't want to impact society, those who don't want to be role models. It is really in your heart to decide who can come in and who can go out. Make meaningful relationships that are God-honoring.