Showing posts with label Knowledge. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Knowledge. Show all posts

Monday, 15 January 2024

Resolve To Succeed Financially: I now have knowledge I am not poor anymore said Amos Wekesa

Photo by From YouTube

 By Arthur Moses Opio

"If you are resolutely determined to make a lawyer of yourself, the thing is more than half done already... Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other one thing." ~ Abraham Lincoln

A friend of mine called Moses Isiagi resolved he was going to do his Masters in University of Cape Town in South Africa. With that resolve, he kept applying and one day, he tells us, I have gotten an offer, I have been accepted. 

The daunting task now was the money for fees, ticket and many other things. For him, the key thing was to get there. He talked to a few friends and some money was raised. To cut the long story short. He found his way to South Africa, studied and graduated and is now pursuing a PhD. The journey wasn't an easy one, there were so many ups and downs, tough nights, brokenness, etc. but that did not break him, instead it gave him to momentum to resilient to achieve his dream.

The above quote from Abraham Lincoln to a young man who asked how he could become a lawyer is so profound. 

"Your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other one thing". Nothing gets going until we resolve to get started. The inner determination to say, I have what it takes to build this dream is the first step in ensuring the vision or dream gets started. 

While listening to a TikTok video with the handle @cleaningtheairwaves that has been making rounds on social media, I couldn't hold back but put this excerpt into this article as it speaks to the topic of resolve. 

The interviewee Rinah Hicks said, "It will help you so we started that journey how did you identify what do we do and he’d come we sit we talk and he would bring 2000. The first amount he bought was 5000. He used to earn part time I think when he came here, he had earned 19,000 shillings and he gave us 5000 to start his journey. He started his journey and I worked with him for four years. After four years I had grown and moved into a different department and I handed him over to a friend of mine. 2011 Richie now I am approving payments I’m now in operations and I see his a check and a request for payment and I see his name on this thing and it’s 2.4 million shillings. I called him, "Please can we have coffee? Like how did we get here. So what are you asking me? I was consistent sometimes it was 2000 sometimes it was 5000 and then I got to a job and then I just continued." This guy used to eat chapati dondo  once a day just so that he would save money but he remained super consistent. I asked myself, "My darling sister what is in your account at this point in time and I realized I had messed up again because I took it for granted what I had." And he told me he was putting a down payment for an office at Crawford Business Park. I am like what, "So he put his down payment, got a loan for the balance and he rented out and I think now he has paid it off but he has continued to be consistent to this day. Those days he was 2000, 5000, 10000 now it's 100,000 every month. Let me just tell you that one client is the reason I have money wise, one of the reasons.""

Dave Ramsey says, "Your income is your most important wealth building tool." Following through with the story Rinah shared of the man who said he was consistent and continues to be to this day. It seems he knew or knows something about using his income as seed to grow and produce more seeds. He invested, bought an apartment, the apartment continues to give him rent and he continues to invest? What have you resolved to do? 

My first job was as a cleaner. I was earning 10 dollars a month - Amos Wekesa

Amos Wekesa once said, "When I started doing business, it's about 5/6 years, every time my mother looked at me, she could shed tears. It's not until 5 or 6 years ago that she opened up. When I was born she was so poor that she contemplated killing me. She planned to kill me on a Friday not because she did not like me but because the conditions were very difficult for her." Let that sink in, poverty can be that bad, it can make us think of doing crazy things.

I watched the interview between Amos Wekesa and Wode Maya and learnt quite a number of things, he said, "I hadn't eaten meat for so many years, I looked old but I was not that old. I went and served meat and I remember walking home and I cried and told God, 'Why did you make me so poor?' that even meat is such an important thing and that day I made a renewal of my life and that if I get a chance, I will work so hard and my dream was to work so hard to eat a lot of meat."

Today Amos is the face of Tourism in Uganda, he founded PELA commodities to produce grain and he continues to pioneer in many areas in his life. His resolve to work so hard can be seen with the results of his great works through Great Lakes Safari Lodges, Elephant Plains lodge,  Primate Lodge Kibale, Budongo Eco Lodge, Simba Safari Camp, MV Kazinga (boat cruise).

"I understand poverty. I have first hand experience with poverty.  Poverty is very demeaning" says Amos Wekesa. "When we were born, I hardly ate chicken. When I came to Kampala, I went to a slum and I was paying less than 2 dollars. I had this land lady from Hell. She would go and drink and come at 3AM tell me how poor I was."

"My first job was as a cleaner. I was earning 10 dollars a month. I never used to use a car. I would walk 20kms for 3 hours, that was my normal life, I never used to question it but it was also hard, I went to a good school for A-levels, most of my classmates went to University and to be honest it was one of the toughest times finding my former school mates and trying to say, 'hello' some of them would see me from far and cross the road." Amos further says, "One thing I have discovered about life is that once you have done your best in the small job you have been given, the voice will be clear that it is time to move on. But if you go to a job and complain, you will not hear that voice. There is a lady who used to make me katoogo of beans and cassava, I would go home boil and take 3/4 in the evening and 1/4 in the morning. That was my life, from Monday to Monday because I couldn't afford anything."

"For my third job, I became a Tour guide." says Amos Wekesa, "That's when I discovered my gift." I guided the dutch people and I was earning 1 dollar a day and God is my witness, "For my first trip we were doing a camping trip and I guided these guys for15 days, my boss gave me 1,000 Uganda Shillings. I sat in the car and I cried and I said man, after 15 days."

Cutting Water Melon Story: Resolved To Never Ever Be Poor Again

Amos says, " The last day, we had bought watermelon from Lake Bunyonyi. The Tourists asked my boss, 'Why aren't you giving guys something to cut watermelon?' I remember the boss saying, ''You see that guy, I am paying him almost nothing but he can never do better than this in his life. That day In front of Tourists, 'I stood up and I said, but in my life, I will never ever work for you again and I can promise you, I will never ever be poor, I am leaving you today and I will never work for you again. I am just tired of the same stories. The tourists were shocked, they knew I was poor, 'I said No! I now have knowledge I am not poor anymore, I knew my gift and I knew I  was good with tourists and with Tourism as a subject. I went and got my last job where I was a desk guy and earning 35 dollars a month.' So I worked for a year and saved up 200 dollars. On 22nd April, 2001, I registered for Great Lakes Safaris. and 23rd April, 2001 I started Great Lakes Safaris. I looked out for opportunities for weddings on Thursdays, I would show them I have cars for weddings. I would make 5 or 10 dollars. Everyday by 6AM, I would be at the washing bay to make sure the cars were clean and I hand them over for 9 months and that's what made me survive, then I saved up for my first office under a stair case. It was a good location. My first employee was earning 20 dollars a month but it was hard and many voices kept coming."

We all know who Amos Wekesa is. His story highlights how he resolved against all odds to not be poor ever again, this reminds me of a story of a lady called Lisa Nichols echoed a similar statement, “I will never be broke again”

We must resolve, that's the starting point. You can tell yourself, "I will save 5, 10, 20m in one year, I will reach half a billion by 40, I will save and invest 'x' amount of money every month, I will study financial education so that I can make better money and investment decisions, etc."

In the interview Amos shares a line that says, "When I think about poverty and how much I went through poverty, I do not waste any resource that I get as a person. In fact, a day of a hungry man, should be a day of inspiration for him."

Abraham Lincolns Story:

Digging a little deeper into the story of Lincoln, From his book, "How To Develop Self Confidence and Influence People by Speaking." Dale writes, "Lincoln walked to borrow every book within fifty miles of his home. Log fire was kept all night in his cabin sometimes he read by the light of the fire. As soon as it was light enough to read in the morning, he rolled over his bed of leaves, rubbed his eyes, pulled out a book, and began devouring it."

We wonder why Lincoln had some of the best speeches but it goes back to his resolve, determination and thirst for knowledge. If he could walk within fifty miles to read, have a log fire to read, wake up and read, then what he pictured himself becoming allowed him to embrace the pain of the process.

How do the above insights and stories from my friend who went to study in SA and Lincoln speak to us about our personal finance. Some people sit back thinking it's too hard to attain what the high fliers are attaining. The high flyers are up there because they went an extra mile. They did not just stop at believing or saying, "I wanted to be wealthy." They acted on their dreams inspite of the hardships they faced. 

  • It is possible to get out of debt, you must resolve;
  • It is possible to start investing and living a debt free life but you must resolve.
  • It is possible to attain any kind of education without excuse but you must resolve.
  • It is possible to fund that dream, company, factory from your savings and investments but you must resolve.

 “Fuss has never led anyone to success.” says Julian Wilson. With your determination and plan, get yourself rolling. As Amos Wekesa kept growing, he kept saving and investing for his next goal just like he did to register his company, to rent his first office space under a stair case, to buy his first car for business, etc. 

I conclude this by rechoing what Amos said when he resolved he would never be poor again, He said, "I said No! I now have knowledge I am not poor anymore, I knew my gift and I knew I  was good with tourists and with Tourism as a subject."

We can see from his experiences, he kept gathering knowledge and every experience contributed to his growth. Knowledge is important and many people perish for lack of it. This applies to any discipline including financial education. Dr. Sunday Adelaja says,"Your pocket might be empty today, but if your mind is filled up, then you are not poor. It is just a matter of time before your filled mind will cause your pocket to be filled up." and Benjamin Franklin says, "Take the money out of your pocket and put it in your mind."

Let us resolve to be great and grow in our financial knowledge because as Abraham Lincoln told the young lawyer, "Your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other one thing." Those who learn, earn. Resolve today to get that big hairy financial goal. Resolve to have financial peace, freedom, investments, etc.

Saturday, 6 January 2024

Thriving in Turbulent Times: Strategies for Navigating Economic Challenges

Photo by Leroy Skalstad on Unsplash

By Arthur Moses Opio

The word crisis doesn't exist in Mandarin, the Chinese word is opportunity. Embracing the abundance mindset. You stop seeing the crisis and you start to see the opportunity ~ Tony Otoa

We all go through a crisis, it can be economic, family disorientation, marital problems or academic failure. As of November and December, 2023 our inflation as a country was at 2.6% - It did go up and with projections from the current things happening in the country like the increased debt, being removed from the Agoa list, etc. We should brace ourselves for tougher times. But how we view the tougher times, is really up to us. We can see it as a crisis or as an opportunity. There will always be someone who benefits from problems. How they prepare, their mindset towards it is key.

On Friday the 4th January, 2019 an article came up on the daily monitor saying, "Here comes 2019; tighten your seat belts, watch the money, and the politics". In the write up, the writer shares his teacup readings for what the year would hold. He said, "First the Africa's debt growing problem. Because our bureaucrats don't plan so well, they usually end up following the advice of outsiders." The writer added and said, "So they can't probably see the writing on the wall that we are constipated by debt. They will just take on more and more of this debt in 2019.

Between 2019 and 2023, a lot has happened and we have seen our debt sky rocket. An article once came out in daily monitor and they said it would take Uganda 94 years to clear its debt. Before the end of 2023, it was said that Uganda government borrowed 7trn in seven days. So yes, we are heavily indebted, government needs the money to do many things and the hight debt is not good for the common man because the taxes will be high and this will affect the pockets of every person as inflation will also kick in higher. Inflation is hidden tax that we all pay and those who understand it can either be eaten up by it or benefit from it. It's too bad that many people are so gullible, all they do is spend their money on depreciating assets and not on appreciating assets.

In an article posted on Business Insider Africa on October 6, 2023. The said, "World Bank warns Nigerian, Ethiopian, and Ugandan Central banks not to overplay their hand." Some of the details mentioned were, "If monetary and fiscal actions are not adequately coordinated to bring down inflation, the risk of de-anchoring inflation expectations would fuel further inflation, accelerate interest rate increases, and exacerbate the deceleration of economic activity.

If inflation wasn't brought down, there would be further inflation. Inflation basically means, we use more money to get our goods and services. Things become expensive. Meaning if you have no extra source of income, you are one emergency away from losing everything including your savings.

With the double digit inflation that hit us, the World Bank asked that these things be dealt with including managing inflation. For those who love saving money in the bank, your money loses value everyday due to inflation. Robert Kiyosaki is famously known for pushing the thought that savers are losers. He pushes many people to invest. That's what the wealth do. If they save, they save to invest not save to save and what they have in the bank is just for emergency.

In 2022, an article came up in the Nile Post, saying, "Tighten your belts, Minister tells Ugandans who can't afford a belt." Minister Baryomunsi said, "Referring to this economic crisis as international may not be the solution, but it's a fact. The solution to this economic crisis is to tighten our belts."

The idiom of tightening our belts is something we were always taught from childhood and this was to tell us to be frugal and manage our resources well. 

It's now 2024 and we might not be able to control 98% of the external things that will affect the economy like weather, global fuel prices, dollar rate, high debt, etc. We however have the 2% and yes tightening our belts is one of them. 

After sharing some insights from my #FinancialFriday tips that I post about on my X/Twitter handle every Friday. A friend of mine in our basketball WhatsApp group said, "Also share strategies to navigate these hard days. Brothers and sisters are choking and stagnant."

I responded by saying, "Thanks. I believe we can all give input. I will put together a small write-up on that.

I have shared a picture of what we are currently in as a country and indeed times are hard but even in these hard times, those who have knowledge to navigate it will come out on top.

“I would like people to recognise in looking at my story that the person who has the most to do with what happens to you is you. It’s not the environment, it’s not the other people who were there trying to help you or trying to stop you. It’s what you decide to do and how much effort you put behind it.” ~ Ben Carson

With insights from Ben Carson's quote, there are things we must do as individuals even in hard times, the crisis can become an opportunity  so while thinking about whether to write later, I started jotting down these thoughts and shared them as listed below:

Avoid Worrying

The first thing anyone ideally should do is avoid getting stressed or worrying. It is written that by worrying, we cannot add a thing to our life. Anxiety is one of the things that should be under our feet and we should be on top of it.

Worrying affects our thinking, and it can lead us to make decisions that can hurt us even more.

Instead of worrying about how money will not be enough, plan and budget for your finances, know where your money is coming from and where it should go. 

Learn a skill that can help you solve a problem. When problems are solved, you get paid because you have brought value to the market place.

Reduce your expenses. Do not let lifestyle inflation get the best of you. Keeping up with Jane, John and Jack won't help. Don't let what you see flashed on social media mislead you. Run your own race. Live and work within your means as you also increase your means. 

If you want to have fun, plan for it. Do it on plan and purpose. Don't only save for a rainy day, also save for a joyous day. That day out with friends, family, etc. plan for it. Don't get excited about the next hot concert, a lot of people out there are planning to take money out of your pocket. So plan where your money should go instead of letting the voices behind Momon take centre stage.

Educate Ourselves

Secondly, we need to educate ourselves. A lady called Tornabi says, "That thing we fear, we should get out and educate ourselves about it." Is it a business that we fear, investing, building an emergency fund, networking, etc? 

Educate your yourself on matters of finance, things like behavioural finance, your financial blue print, saving, investing, debt, budgeting, etc.

Educating ourselves and seeking help from those who have a blueprint can be of great help.

Many of us are always told to have faith, but on top of our faith, we must add virtue and knowledge and other things.

Why does knowledge come out strong? It is written that even if it cost you, get understanding and knowledge. It is also written that my people perish for the lack of knowledge. It's even worse if we know knowledge or truth and we reject it. God also rejects us and nature and people will reject us too.

Act on The Knowledge

Thirdly, when armed with the knowledge and you are certain and have weighed other options, we must act. Inaction or being in a valley of indecision can be quite costly. 

While gathering data, Rolf Dobelli says, "Forget trying to amass all the data. Do your best to get by with the bare facts. It will help you make better decisions. Superfluous knowledge is worthless, whether you know it or not." Daniel J. Boorstin says, "The greatest obstacle to discovery is not ignorance - it is the illusion of knowledge."

It's written that Isaac prospered in tough times, but it wasn't easy for him, he kept being chased from one well after another after digging, but eventually the last place he dug, he was able to settle and have water.

Times will come when we must accept and cut our losses. We shouldn't be victims of the sunk cost fallacy. If it did not work, don't whine over the issue, take the lessons.

Rolf Dobelli says, "The sunk cost fallacy is most dangerous when we have invested a lot of time, money, energy or love in something. This investment becomes a reason to carry on, even if we are dealing with a lost cause. The more we invest, the greater the sunk costs are, and the greater the urge to continue becomes." He further says, "Investors frequently fall victim to the sunk cost fallacy."

Don't Wish It Was Easier, Be Better

I learnt something from Jim Rohn, he says, "Many times people wish that things were easier, but we should wish we were better."

We must be better in these 5 areas,

  1. Family,
  2. Faith,
  3. Finances
  4. Fitness
  5. Friendships

There are other things that can be added to that list, but yes, our lives really evolve around those five places.

So let's be better and don't give up.

Yes, accept that things are hard but don't give up.

Galatians 6:9 says, "Do not grow weary in doing good, for in due season, you shall reap if you faint not."

Someone reading this might need to pick up the pieces and start all over again. I shared some insights in this article on how you can do it. Giving up is not an option.

And lastly in the words of Jerry Rice, Former NFL player and Hall of Famer, he said and I quote, "I will do what others can't do today so that tomorrow I can accomplish what others won't."

What sacrifice are you willing to make to enjoy the promise of tomorrow? Our grandparents always had granaries in their compounds and this was for food security and storage of seeds for the next planting season. That wisdom kept homes a float and even in hard times, they had where they could deep their hands without depleting the resources.

Hardwork, discipline, order, sacrifice, etc. can be of great help.

Wednesday, 21 February 2018

Invest In Your Mind

Proverbs 24:5-6 "The wise are mightier than the strong and those who have knowledge grow stronger and stronger. So don't go to war without wise advice, victory depends on having many advisers"
While studying and analyzing a few things about life. I have strongly come to the conclusion that is is disastrous to be arrogant and ignorant.

In my analysis, I looked at when homes are broken into, the things that get stolen are TVs, Laptops, fridges etc but never things like books, magazines or news papers. I believe people are driven by what they see that can give them temporary happiness but they aren't driven by what can give them eternal value.
A lot of truth lies in written pages, a lot of wisdom is shared by the minds we interact with when we read or listen to their messages. How about you take time to financially educate yourself in the areas that are really perturbing you.
Let me quote what Robert Kiyosaki said in his book, Rich Dad Poor Dad, he said, "If you want to fly a plane, I advise taking lessons first. I am always shocked at people who buy stocks or real estate but never invest in their greatest asset, their mind".
In his story he said he said, "I take a long view on my wealth. I do not subscribe to the Get Rich Quick Mentality most lottery players or casino gamblers have. I may go in and out of stocks but i am long on EDUCATION'.
Do whatever it takes to self educate or even learn from others, read, visit blogs, visit websites, buy books, listen to audios, it will help you a great deal and you will see the rewards, it will also be rubbed on others. Use the Kindle app on your phone or pc, it will help you access samples of some great books.

Till today I am grateful to Edward Hire Yosia for inspiring me to read and study. Many times i failed, many times i gave up, many times the money got wasted but with life long learning, you keep picking yourself up and getting better, you get to realize that principles are universal and they can't be the problem but you yourself.

Check out this article Is Reading Part Of Your Culture and Kill The Poverty Of The Mind

#Impact #Empower #Transform

Wednesday, 31 January 2018

Don’t Let Your Pursuit of Wealth Affect Your Integrity – It Could Lead To Destruction

Proverbs 21:6 Wealth created by a lying tongue is a vanishing mist and a deadly trap.

The pursuit of wealth, if not directed under the guidance and stewardship of God can be very very dangerous. My dear reader it has been clearly written that the love for money is the root of all evil. We need to note clearly that it says “The love for money and not that money is evil”. Loving money is different from lacking it but also those who lack it can be pushed to limits to do whatever it takes to get it. It is both dangerous to love money and to lack it, that’s why we need to know the truth behind this thing called money, you will find that there is so much about this thing that the bible even says it answers all things.

During the course of 2016, someone told me and my friend that we would amount to nothing, the person mentioned that it was hard to do deals with us because we are "Christians". He also said that we could never grow rich or wealthy. In my heart, I declared that I am richer than the money in my pocket or in my bank account. I know that I am rich in values and virtues that are strongly apart of my everyday Christian walk. I know that the God I serve owns everything and that he gives me the power to create wealth. God’s power to create wealth is genuine, it isn’t corrupt, it isn’t extortion. 

His word talks of how when you are diligent in work and what God has called me to do, it leads to wealth and also talks of how laziness brings about poverty. All I need to know is how to use these God-given skills and truths in a full application in my everyday life. 

I know that without goods and services to people, money won't come to me, I also know that if I don't engage in the production of anything that adds value to the lives of people then money still won't come, I know for a fact that God has to be my number priority to guide me in my everyday affairs, I also know that I need to show that God has called me to fruitfulness, not just claiming a good life of cars, nice houses, etc without applying due diligence, people covet, claim, wish and do nothing about working, they will even tell you I don't have to work, I am already blessed, otherwise, we wouldn't be using the internet to share all these things, if the inventor sat back and did not do what he was inspired to do the world wouldn't be connected on the web.

We wouldn't be using cell phones If Henry Sampson, the inventor of Cellular Phones also sat back. It is because of this man that I can talk on my phone from Uganda to anyone in the Southern Pacific or deep down in Switzerland. We need to create products, services that add value to the lives of people, when people are in need of them, you get paid. We should engage our minds to think and avoid the concept of things coming freely, yet we can work and be fruitful as God requires of us.

I happened to sit in the counsel of an elder. She told me a story about her workplace. In her workplace, people did not like her because of her faith. She was a very integral person who kept her books of account very well. She was very hard to bribe and she was even threatened with death countless times. One day one of her colleagues asked her to do the wrong thing and she vehemently refused. This man she was telling me about had been extorting money of people by creating accounts with names of people who don't exist, some long-dead (ghost employees). He stole enough money and money from those who were also still alive.
He set out to build his house and while his was constructing. It is said that the house was built in such a way that the builders did not use the right measurements. They actually stole from him as well what he stole from people. As his house was finished he was bidding his landlord farewell, no sooner had he entered his new house than it came crumbling down. He had left his rented place and also had no where to stay since his house was no more (Double Tragedy).

David Cameron, British PM at the time said, "If the amount of money stolen out of Nigeria in the last 30 years was stolen in the UK, then the UK would not exist again". This is a strong statement and it shows that our actions if not sanctioned can lead to total destruction.

I think what the writer says in Proverbs 21:6 is so true wealth created by a lying tongue is a vanishing mist and a deadly trap. This man lost his money and his house, what a way to be repaid?

I want to encourage us to purpose to grow but grow little by little. Get rich schemes, conning, bribing people, killing people to extort money are some of the deadliest traps that can happen to a human being. You would rather be what Proverbs 19:1 says “Better to be poor and honest than to be dishonest and a fool.” It is written there is a way that seems right to a man but its end is destruction, follow the way of righteousness and not your own ways.

#Impact #Empower #Transform

Monday, 29 January 2018

Is Reading Part Of Your Culture

Proverbs 18:15 Intelligent people are always ready to learn.

Their ears are open for knowledge.

I hope you are all doing good. I believe that in one way or another, we are doing whatever it takes to be financially educated.
I recently read somewhere that Chinese people between 40 to 65 years of age are responsible for most of their savings. We all know that probably the one child policy at the time pushed these guys to even save more since they had no major expenses in terms of large families and such money is able to take them through their retirement or old age.
Robert Kiyosaki had to say this about financial education "Today financial knowledge is more powerful than a gun or the whips and shackles of slavery. The lack of financial education enslaves billions of people in all parts of the world." 
We all know from the wise saying, "My people perish for lack of knowledge". To liberate yourself from ignorance and enslavement of the mind - Read, read, read. If you can take at-least 30 minutes a day to study something in regards to this area of finances or something that you are interested, then you will be educating yourself. We all know that this subject of financial education will or might never appear in school curricular but we have to go out and seek such knowledge.
The writer in proverbs said it clearly, Intelligent people are always ready to learn, their ears are open to knowledge, I hope you are in this bracket and seeking to improve yourself so that you can help others as well. We all can't be blind, it can be devastating.
This is what My Uncle, George William Nyeko said about financial habits in regards to retirement, he was quoted in one of the articles written in the New Vision this past weekend. He said, "Why would anyone consider they will be broke after they are retired? Financial habits are not formed during retirement. Being broke during retirement means you were broke before." 
We have read this quote  before from Dave Ramsey, that "Personal finance is 80% behavior and 20% head knowledge", our financial habits have to be checked. Are you consuming more than you are investing? Are you rejecting knowledge more than investing in your mind? 

Let us seek out wisdom to win in life, read the bible first, it is the best book, read biographies, read books written by experts in this area, read the news papers. Warren Buffet was asked about his greatest secret, he said that it was voracious reading, this is a trait of many successful people they are rich in knowledge.

#Transform #Impact #Empower

Wednesday, 11 October 2017

The Book That Has Shaped Me In The Simplest Way Possible

Looking for a book on financial matters, I personally recommend Make Sense Of Your Money By James Abola and Phillip Karugaba
This book has been a cornerstone to some of the things I have seen greatly happen in my life, it woke me up from slumber, In addition to having read the richest man in Babylon, there is one thing that I needed to do and that was and continues to be #ImplementThePrinciples

The book only goes for 20,000 Ugx, you can contact James Abola directly or go to Aristoc book store. Those who would want to get it on amazon, see this link…/…/B00JGJKVZ0

In one of the reviews on line, this is what Joseph Ronald Kasozi said, "This is a such a good read on making your money grow and work for you and even keep it ! .
The authors have given practical money tools for winning in life . Lets hope they can write more books along this line ."

He has also written one on Money and Marriage, I am yet to get this one as well, as families we need to win in this area of finances to enable us build a support cast and give back to the work of God in many ways starting with the family itself and the nation at large. With time I will share some of the testimonies as regards the truths written in there. Just go grab your own copy, let it be one of those books on your shelf or right besides your bed.

#Impact #Empower #Transform

Wednesday, 20 September 2017

What Inspires Businesses or Companies (The WHY, not The What)

One of the biggest questions to ask on earth is Why? It normally points to the purpose of a thing. I had been taking some time off to read and study a few things. I was encouraged by Ojara Andrew to read the book "START WITH WHY by Simon Sinek" with a caption "How great leaders inspire everyone to take action'.
There is already a wealth of information that is flowing. I really get the notion that so much wisdom is hidden in writing and if the culture of reading and studying can continue, I believe we can beat so many odds.

While reading about Manipulations and Inspiration, I have learned so much about how companies or businesses are surviving and indeed the biggest thing they are doing is MANIPULATION which is quite costly and by the way, it really works. However the writer points business people, companies to the fact that people should always look to inspire other than just manipulate.
The writer says that "if most companies don't really know why their customers are their customers or why their employees are their employees, then how do they know how to attract others and encourage loyalty among those they already have". He says that the reality is that most businesses today are making decisions based on a set of incomplete or worse, completely flawed assumptions about what's driving their business. He then says that there only two ways to influence human behavior: you either Manipulate it or you can inspire it."
Simon Sinek says, "Leadership is the ability to rally people not for a single event but for years" and he says in business leadership means that customers will continue to support your company even when you slip up. He pauses and asks a question, "if manipulation is the only strategy, what happens the next time a purchase decision is required? What happens after the election is won?
Finally on Manipulation vs Inspiration. He says that there is a big difference between REPEAT BUSINESS and LOYALTY. Repeat business is when people do business with you multiple times. Loyalty is when people are willing to turn down a better product or a better price to continue doing business with you.
Loyal customers often don't bother to research the competition or entertain other options. Loyalty is not easily won. Repeat business, however, is. All it takes is manipulations. I guess we have seen this with people loyal to their telecom companies or suppliers etc.
I hope you get some insight from this, otherwise, keep the culture of reading and studying alive, it won't only help you but others as well.
I live you with that quote on Entrepreneurship.

Be blessed
#Impact #Empower #Transform