Monday 16 June 2014


Picked this form one of our bible studies we did a year back or 2. It  blest me and it will bless u.

Many a times we are faced with situations and challenges that test our courage. 
Because we are not brave enough we lay back in fear, we refuse to proceed because we think we have not got what it takes. People who change the face of the world are courageous people, those who will walk above their fear and face all odds without giving room to worry and remorse.

Uncourageous people are those who discourage the weak and rob them too of their little faith that a mountain can be moved. Courage is giving up your fear for what’s in store for you irrespective of whether you have got what it takes or not but operating in faith and confidence in God hence believing him without a doubt to pull you through.

If God has spoken about your possession, about your future or even present it doesn’t matter who inhabits or who is in control, because you have an assurance that God is with you and he will never leave you nor forsake you. If you lay back and operate in fear your courage is robbed by the fact that you’ve let fear crip in, you deny yourself your own success which would come with the possibility that God is backing you up and not that it can’t be done because your young, small, weak, vulnerable and that you don’t have what it takes. You’re more than all that because the power of the Great I AM is in you that can work against all negative thoughts.

The courage of one lifts up the hearts of many and creates a determination which can’t be stopped no matter how hard things may be. 

When you discourage people this brings about complaints that cause a sense of loss of direction cause you choose to dwell on your weakness and not the one who makes you strong. Joshua and Caleb thought positively and hence reflected the courage they had because they trusted in the Lord who had spoken and was true to his word because he was able to deliver the promised land however much the amalekites and giants had taken over as they even were stronger than they but this made them different from the other spies because they knew their God was bigger than the challenge before them.

Our challenge is to invoke a life of courage in you that goes against all odds lets learn from Joshua and Caleb from Numbers 13:1-33 and Numbers 14:1-38

Note: Their courage was really tested when they where to take over their land and not when they were spying. It’s in the doing that we get tested and not the seeing.

Walking you through it..

Hey Friends, Family, Colleagues....I fell on this document i wrote some years back and it blest me, thought i could share it with someone out there and tell you God will walk you through it....

Ever looked around you and seen everything fail, ever hoped and dreamed that you would be somewhere, ever thought that your turning point was right about that corner. 

Yes this happens a lot, in fact it does happen when you have worked harder than you expected, it happens when you have clinched a serious deal and the returns were worthwhile but what came of it was just peanut it wasn't even equivalent to the sweat that dropped from you. It wasn't equivalent to the amount of time invested and creativity imparted.

Sometimes you think that the only option is to drop back and fade away slowly and see all your efforts equate to zero. I think it’s when you get the disbelief that the choices you made are wrong, that nothing good can come out of you, that you are a nobody, that you are a failure.

I have come to believe that “we are not alone”, that we don’t have to give up so easily because we are more than close to our break through, we don’t have to faint (loose heart).

When we keep our heads up and believe that we are not less than what we ought to be then we can triumph, then we are champions of our lives, more so God is with us as long as we acknowledge him in all we do, he will make the most out of us, he will unlock every gift and potential to take you the “place” you have imagined, the one you have dreamed of, the one you have been seeking answers for.

Sometimes it’s just  a “trust” away, the trust you had lost, it needs to be regained and engaged to the fullest of commitment, to trust is to commit.
We let go of our fundamental pillars that help us carry on in life, the belief you were taught, the one you had engineered by your faith, I ask the same question in such moments, “Where is my faith?”, “Why am I failing”?, but at times you got to tell yourself I won’t stop believing.

I've come to learn that what you believe God for he will give that thing, I draw my inspiration from John 1:12...”To them that believed he gave them the right to become children of God”. This just amazes me because my belief equals my rightful possession, it is my right!

When God walks you through he never counts your failure against you, he never counts your past against you, and he brings freshness upon you, he brings a revelation to take you through because he is with you, he is besides you to count on you that you will triumph, to trust you and be gracious to you. He loves the fact that he is making you into his likeness and you got to go through some stuff.

Happy Father's Day to Mzee George William Nyeko

Just like a a glory of children is their Father, so has it been evident in my(our) life
Just like a leader in our home, so have you been in my(our) life
Just like a specter of hope and pride, so have you been in my(our) life
Just like a warrior in an army, so have you been in my(our) life 
Just like the tree that stands tall among many, so have you been in my(our) life

With your integrity and Humility, you have shown me(us) the way
With your big heart, you have shown me(us) how to Give
With your wide arms, you have shown me(us) not to discriminate
With your smile, you have made me(us) smile again
With your love, you have taught me (us) how to love

We can call on you anytime and call you Dad - you have brought us under your wings as Father of all
You have made us not fill empty even with the losses we have had especially for your brother my Father
Because of the Christ in you and the Christ in Maa' Irene - God had favor in us and we have walked in Salvation
When I told you a found a woman (Martha) - you were ready to take her own as your own daughter and am glad she can find a Dad in you
On my wedding day you embraced me as your own son and besides all the support you give which am forever and eternally grateful, you gave me a campus and direction for mine and my wife's life and that is THE HOLY BIBLE, I believe it's is my recipe for success in all areas of my life. THANK YOU DADDY!!!!!! APWOYO MATEK

Join with me Family, 
To the best father alive
  1. We salute you
  2. We pray for you
  3. We wish you good health and long satisfying life
  4. We pray for unending favor'
  5. We commend you
  6. We applaud you
  7. We are proud of you
  8. We stand with you
  9. We bless you
  10. We honor you
  11. We wish you peace and good tidings
  12. You are the BEST
  13. Your legacy is undeniably profound and a reference for generations to come
  14. Your Mark is the mark of excellence 
  15. We LOVE you more than anything
HAPPY FATHER'S DAY " Proverbs 17:6 - Children’s children are the crown of old men,
And the glory of children is their father."
Thank You for being OUR FATHER.

Thursday 21 November 2013

Implementing What You Have Learnt

One of the things that keep us in the camp of being unsuccessful is when we don't apply the principles we have learnt and attained in our daily life. 
Application is the power of success which brings to realization what someone perceived

Picture this some one is told that for them to be able to loose weight, they got to jog, do sit ups, eat well. But all this becomes a shadow to someone.

Knowledge and Advice is Light to someone's life. 
Principles are the hidden things that when practiced often they become a habit. 
Strive to Put to Practice what you learn. 

When you see the benefits in due time,
You will not want to stop and you will desire to see many others learn what you have learnt.
It only gets better when you share what you have discovered.

Whenever you plan out something, don't sit back too long, do your research, do your work plan but at the end of the day to achieve that result you got to work out what has been planned.
So Implement What You Have Always Learnt

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