Monday, 14 September 2015

How Are You Living Your Life?

We all surely have a destiny and it can either be GOOD or BAD. We are living in a time where LIFE isn't guaranteed. You live knowing that you might not even reach 60, 70 or 120. People have even given up on advise on how they can better their health, people are living reckless lives and giving up themselves to things that kill them. Right now it's not even about the food we eat or the water we drink or the exercise you do or don't know. 

There is more to life. People are dying of depression, people are dying because of lost hope, people are dying because of disobedience etc. Moses asked GOD one thing TEACH ME TO NUMBER MY DAYS SO THAT I MAY APPLY MY HEART TO WISDOM. 

I have more hope in Jesus Christ the giver of life, you can try whatever you want to and I guarantee you will never have any satisfaction, you can make your plans without him but tomorrow they will be left here as well and they will be destroyed, To Live Is Christ and Die Is Gain. 

Times have worsened and they will worsen even more but be of Good Cheer Because Christ Overcame The World, He also Overcame DEATH, so there is nothing that you should FEAR. However I have one reminder to put before many of you Today, ACCEPT CHRIST TODAY, In Him We Live, Move and Have Our Being. 

The things of this world shall pass way, you and I will pass away and be a part of either Kingdoms. The Trumpet Is About To Sound, I hope you and I will be prepared. Dr Myles once said The Greatest Tragedy On Earth Is Not Death, But A Life Lived Without Purpose. Your Purpose Is Found In God, And When You Accept Jesus and Live Empowered By Him Through The Holy Spirit, There Will be Nothing To Be Afraid Of. ‪#‎LiveALifeOfPurpose‬ and Let Christ Be The Centre of Your Life ‪#‎AcceptHimToday‬

Thursday, 23 July 2015

Making WISE Money Decisions

Lately I have been in a place where by if you got it wrong on a decision for your life, it could be something that can bring about disappointment and a major setback.
I have learnt that it is good to have a sober mind whenever it comes to making investments or anything that involves money. First of all, it is good to know what you want - in other words, do you have a PLAN for the future or for the short term, medium and long term investment. Without a plan, when money comes, it can go to anything not planned for and you wonder why a certain goal wasn't met. So Always have a PLAN in mind.
The other point number two is to always seek CONSULTATION, In a many counselors there is wise counsel, when you walk with the wise you become wise as well. I have found out that seeking a second opinion will give you the opportunity first of all not to rush the decision but also to take time to evaluate if what you are going to do will meet your desired goals and values for your life and those in your life and those around.
I still learnt one last thing that it's harder to do many things ALONE, so always have a TEAM that subscribe to your VISION, that believe in what you want to achieve not just for yourself but for everyone else - you can do less work alone but can do much more when you are in a team.
Lastly Every Decision You Make In Life Will Affect your destiny, So Make Wise decisions, decisions that will show will make you credible, decisions that will make you a man or woman approved of God, Decisions that will Impact your generation not forgetting your own children and children's children.

Friday, 19 June 2015

Is Your LIFE SO SMOOTH that it makes you feel like you don't NEED GOD.

"Is Your LIFE SO SMOOTH that it makes you feel like you don't NEED GOD." 

This statement got me thinking. I remember when Job was doing all fine and well. God asked the Devil where he was and he said, "I was moving to and fro all over the earth." They had a brief talk and we all know what it ended up in. Not forgetting Job was an upright man but God trusted that he wouldn't turn a way from him and we all know how the story ended in #doubleportion.

But we shouldn't think that when troubles come, God has brought tragedy or hell over us - we shouldn't only expect Good, sometimes the bad will come, it could be even worse to a point where you lose your everything and more so a life.
There has been a deception that the enemy brings, and it lies in the so called things that we seem to derive happiness from, no amount of things that make our life comfortable and smooth are bigger than the God who lives in us, he is our ultimate peace, joy, love etc ..

Let God be the CAPTAIN of your life - Seek Jesus Today, He is just at the DOOR step of your heart.

God created you out of him and the desire for him will come out of the very fact that you have a piece of him (His very image)
God bless you as you make him you LORD AND KING of your life

Thursday, 11 June 2015

Other People's Live's and their Stories Can Be A Major Push to Succeed

When we read about Joshua in the Bible, we see how God told him to arise and take on leadership, At that point Moses was no more. God told Joshua not to let the book of the law depart from him. Moses played a big part in making sure the laws and commands of God were followed. But we can see for sure that the life of Moses was encouraging in one way or the other, we can see that God told Joshua to be of Good Courage and that he would be with him. God was with Moses, his presence never left him and the same thing was being offered to Joshua. 

The stories and biographies of people are something we normally don't want to look into yet there is depth and wealth of wisdom, both from their failures and successes... While Reading About Jim Rohn, I found out this guy's life was surely a product of someone mentoring him in one way or the other. I found out that he rose from the lowest to the highest. I found out that he started giving personal development talks as a result of the things he had learned and how they shaped him.

While writing in his book "Five Major Pieces To The Life Puzzle ", He made this statement about potential that is so deep and can cut through to the depths of your heart. He said, and I quote

 "It seems that every life form on this planet strives toward its maximum potential ... except human beings. A tree does not grow to half its potential size and then say, “I guess that will do.” A tree will drive its roots as deep as possible. It will soak up as much nourishment as it can, stretch as high and as wide as nature will allow, and then look down as if to remind us of how much each of us could become if we would only do all that we can."

Today go and read up about someone, their story can help you and you wouldn't have to re-event the will - read the bible it has so many life and truthful and enriching stories that can change you, read about men and women today and in the past that have changed lives by some of the things they did - Thomas Edison failed so many times at the attempt of making a light bulb but eventually it happened. I don't know how best to say it but there is a road that so many have traveled, it is probably the same road though different challenges, however you can pick a leaf from their courage, attitude, determination, character, hard-work etc


Start Today and See the Change as time goes on

Friday, 5 June 2015

The Deception Of These So Called Movies We Watch

When I was a little younger, movies back then were something everyone talked about and it was the era of VHS you know. I remember vividly watching one of my old time greats RAMBO - FIRST BLOOD from part 1 to the last.

The influence movies have on children is far-fetched to a point where we could try to act like these guys while playing but also such things led to bad fights in schools. Someone would want to be Rambo thinking they can beat and fight everyone, or another superman fighting badman, and the question would be let us see Who is the Badest? 
This influence is so deep that it goes beyond the subconscious mind and we find people actually want to live or act like what they have seen. Don't blame the so many hair styles introduced in the early 90s or dress codes whatever you could call it - today the fashion industry has made billions of money through showcasing their costumes or clothes in movies, music videos, drama etc.
I once had a weird thought at the time when LRA was at the height of its killing back in the 1998, I was in primary seven then and I once told a friend of mine that if the Government could just higher the services of Arnold Schwarzenegger he would be everyone and clear the whole of Kony and his rebels, but this thought was far fetched... and it wasn't possible then. 
But think about the influence it can have, imagine the things being created out there and the impact it has, sometimes we see people mad and we don't know where it came from, but there is lots of things happening that we don't know the source, It could just be coming from the screen you watch every evening or night before sleep, so watch out what you watch because the influence might be deeper than you think even upon you who thinks you have a sound mind. ‪#‎Movies‬ ‪#‎Influence‬

Friday, 29 May 2015

Having The Right Goal Is Important

Life has so many twists and turns but if you have the right attitude and goals in mind, it is easy to beat so many odds. The issue about money is something that goes beyond money itself but requires lots of self management and governance

You can have many plans or many good goals but they aren't the right ones. What do I mean by "The Right Goal" this is something that is achievable, something that is honest, something that does not only benefit you but also others, something that is not limited to today but also focuses  on the hope of the future. It's also true that you can have a goal that's bad, something that is totally the opposite of what I have mentioned, e.g people saving to have money for showing off, getting the latest this and that, or belonging to a certain class, some put money aside to fund the wrong kind of things like terrorism, or just getting rid of a certain person you like or not.. so your goal should bring ultimate glory to God and not yourself or any man.
When it comes to the "Culture of Saving" - doing the saving is a goal in itself but "What I you saving for?" you must have a specific goal, when something is specific, you work on it with a clear focus and that means you can not deviate. I have read and still found out that it is not how much you save but it is the habit that's important, when you grasp this concept, it will save you from always telling yourself you need a lot of many to do this and that, a lot of many comes when you put the little by little together - I bet we all remember the song "One by One makes a bundle" yeah it is that true - we have also read from the word of God how ANTS gather their food together, these guys don't even carry big loads but everything any one carries brings in as much to make it a big thing.

A quick reminder, when you start saving :-

  1. Learn the Discipline and let it become a habit 
  2. Don't just stop at saving - Have the Right Goal in Mind - A goal is something/ Mark that you press towards to no matter what comes your way, you goal makes you sail through the storms of life.
  3. Make Investments - When you goal is clear, Making Investments becomes the next step and it is quite easy because you know where you are coming from and you know where you are going - the right goal helps you head to the right destination.. so we have to be able to test if what is right will surely lead us to the desired end, always research, consult, acquire knowledge, acquire wisdom to be in position to make the right step.

There are many more tips on saving that can be talked about, Read the book [Book Of Proverbs] written by the wisest man and you will get valuable advice..

An typical example of I have heard or seen people do is

1. Open a Savings Account - you can read through the pull outs done by bank of Uganda to determine which bank best suits you need
2. When you money accumulates because you have a goal, don't let it just  sit in the Bank, Invest in things like Land [The value of Land appreciates faster than anything, location also matters for the value to go up]
3. Invest in Stocks, Shares, Bonds, Treasury Bills etc.. you will never know how these things work until you try it out...
4. Build partnerships and also invest in them, the returns could take a while but it could be your niche.. One of the Rabbi Jews called Daniel Lapin, said Jews make money through relationships, so network with people, they could be having the next opportunity that just fits your expertise.
5. Acquire knowledge, Wisdom and understanding at a deep level, it shouldn't be shallow, because when things are shallow the results are shallow but when they are deep, the results are deep

The list goes on and on....

"Saving is a good goal"
"Saving to buy land or invest in businesses, partnerships etc is the right goal" but at-least have a bank account if you don't have open up one today  . In the story of the talents the guy with the least amount did nothing to make more money but Jesus said at-least he should have put it in the bank and it could have made an interest - be visionary and manage yourself well so that you can manage other aspects of your life better..

God bless you

Thursday, 23 April 2015

The Digital WAR


Come to think about it, everything is on social media and this world or digital world has a lot to do with the way we run life today.
Take for example the fact that business is run on facebook or twitter and other social media sites, How would someone block those sites yet they are giving the organisation /Institution /Company /Churches ? Secret Groups or Organisations ?Public figure {Be it Corrupt /Murderer/Satanist/Atheist/False Prophets or Good person etc} visibility - Take for example your working in a place where you want to block all or most PORN SITES but we forget that porn stars or organisations have also opened up facebook or twitter pages to promote sexual promiscuity. We all understand the need and know the power of social media and what it can do but it also has greater risks it comes with, As a parent or organisation you might think you have blocked all sites on your laptop or child's laptop or home or work network but they still have access to some of these groups or pages within facebook... It might be totally hard or even not possible to block such sites because you are not the admin or in control of it and in any case such groups or sites are staking their claim in the digital world even more to sell their products and damage lives in the form of pleasure... How in such a world will you protect the innocence of young and old people and promote moral and godly values.. all those so called videos and porn sites are promoting rape, defilement, divorce, child pornography and trafficking etc... Infact ask yourself how have you prevented this from getting to you, may be that evaluation could help you and others.

When people are taught about values and the truth about the degrading nature of some of these things and how it can affect them because the way the world views sex is different from what the word of God teaches and its that truth from the word that can bring a great and total change that can renew minds and save lives..

I believe there is a DIGITAL WAR where everyone is competing to be liked and accepted and whoever wins, influences the minds of people and that is what is passed on. Sometimes I marvel at how even a married couple or parents can watch x or r-rated movies with their children, leave the movies cartoons have been inflitrated with this deadly scourge or disease and we allow the children to be entertained instead of telling from childhood especially when they can understand for goodness sake what are we promoting! Whatever entertains us or our children enters us and it becomes an imprint. While watching those so called x-rated movies you see people hurrying to turn off when a sexual scene comes up and all this is done in guilt because they actually know its not right and that sex is sacred and it in anycase those who act aren't even married in most cases, so acting becomes a lifestyle that is rubbed on innocent people and the cycle continues, Uganda/Kenya movies today are taking the same trend in abid to sell their movies or episodes and we are celebrating the so called actors hence they have become celebs, it must be a rule i guess, no explicit stuff no sales.
We really need to take watch and #BeSilentNoMore..... The war is on and it will wipe out many young and old people... WHAT CAN BE DONE? talk about these things with a clear view of what God teaches in his word and will find people naturally hating sin because of their love for God as its written in Proverbs 8:13 and they know the dangers this can put on their life as a whole.... remember you will have children or you have children already old or young or even great grand children... or you have the community around you or you have the social media platform around you.. you will only teach and pass on what you believe in and practice by example... #JustMyThoughts #WeNeedToWakeUpToThisReality which has been around for ages and impart the right values in the lives of people from when they are young... just like Paul told Timothy 2 Timothy 2:2 and 2 Timothy 3:10-17