Tuesday 1 December 2015


I just want to MAKE THIS BOLD STATEMENT on WORLD AIDS day,‪#‎JesusHeals‬.. 

I wasn't paying much attention to the importance of this day and I am not sure how it started but one thing I know is that AIDS has affected all of us, directly or indirectly, and this is my prayer this day, that the healing hands of God will touch as many and redeem and restore their bodies, my prayer as well is that many will heed the warning about sexual immorality and stop indulging in acts that are not pleasing before God, 

My prayer is that God will reign in Uganda and more so in our hospitals and touch the medical doctors and physicians and that there will be no malice from those who practice who test in labs and declare wrong results instead of the true ones because they have been bribed to hide one's status, 

My prayer is that as doctors draw blood and inject mothers or anyone that they will need inject blood that is infected out of negligence but that they will have sober minds as they work.. 

My prayer is that stigma will be no more towards those suffering with AIDS and accept them as normal people who breathe the same air we breathe and eat the same food we eat, 

My final prayer is that God will eradicate all kinds of disease out there because he sent his word and healed all our diseases and that we as his people will not be ignorant of things, for people perish because of lack of knowledge‪#‎MakeThisDayMemorableByPrayingForSomebodyWhoIsSick‬

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