Wednesday, 12 November 2014

To My Fellow Men And Leaders Of This World "Prayer Makes Us"

From my heart to you all
I have strongly come to believe that what will what strongly unite men is this one thing called VISION and PURPOSE, when a man is visionary every other man can have some one else to look up too and hence himself help build other men.
To get such a man or men is not easy because such men are MADE, CRAFTED & MOLDED through PRAYER, they are men who seek out the presence of God and dwell there in, If you are to move a fellow man, this is how Hudson Taylor put it, "It is possible to move men, through God, by PRAYER ALONE".
This validates the statement that A MAN OUGHT TO PRAY and not lose heart. If a fellow man is praying and his fellow men are praying they become an un-stoppable force, George Giddle says Give me one man bought by PRAYER and not by A SWORD.
I am reminded especially about how praying connects and how God releases another man to go rescue the other by doing the instructions given by God. This is a classic story between Paul and Ananias, Paul had the experience of damascus and he was blind, he prayed and fasted 3 days and while he was praying, Ananias was also praying and God spoke to him and told him to go and pray for Paul and the scales fell off his eyes, Men who pray can be destiny carries, Men who pray can be deliverers of fellow men and nations, men who pray hear directly from God and do exactly as he said. To me nothing more can humble a man than prayer and fasting before God as he crucifies his dominant self that would want to do things in his own way, another humbling thing is when a fellow man who prays and heard from God brings forth a message of deliverance.
As men we shouldn't neglect one another, we should pray for one another, we should value what we can learn from one another and we should stand with one another, we should love and encourage one another and we should look at ourselves beyond the eyes of our weaknesses but strengthen our weaknesses and strengthen our strengths.
[I loved how we ended our fellowship as men the last time we met,] - from a fellowship experience. the prayers we ended with sealed and protected our purpose for one another and for the whole earth, MEN who pray and practice it will see evident results, Men who pray and dwell in his presence will grow in the right environment and be prepared for anything, they will never fear a thing because God has built a hedge around them just like for JOB.
Lastly Men can only be met and won in the place of prayer, never get into a physical battle with a man, the one who wins loses and the one who loses wins, we as men are on the same team and competition shouldn't be among-st us but we should win together and rejoice in each other's victories because it only makes us all better, My success is your success, my promotion is your promotion, my joy is your joy, my pain is your pain, my loss is your loss, Let the batter by won in prayer and let the victory both be ours and such a thing annoys the devil more than anything, Instead of us being scattered, VISION, PURPOSE and PRAYER will unite us.

There is no better VOICE to hear than the VOICE of God in TIMES WHERE there are so many other voices

Can you hear his voice, Each time you read his word. Can you hear his voice, Each time you share and speak with someone. Can you hear his voice, Each time you walk down the street and walk into the market. Can you hear his voice, Each time you try to give up and throw in the towel. Can you hear his voice, Each time you think it's over. 

Can you hear his voice

This is the Impact the voice of God can create 
If we can only be sensitive to his voice at any time, at all times, whenever wherever
God is always speaking

This is a caption from Scripture - Psalm 29


The voice of the Lord ----- echoes above the sea
The God of glory thunders
The Lord thunders over the mighty sea.

The voice of the Lord is powerful
The voice of the Lord is majestic.

The voice of the Lord splits the mighty cedars
The Lord shatters the cedars of Lebanon
He makes Lebanon's mountains skip like a calf
He makes Mount Hermon leap like a young wild ox

The voice of the Lord makes the barren wilderness quake
The Lord shakes the wilderness of kadesh

The voice of the Lord twist mighty oaks
and strips the forests bare
In his temple everyone shouts "Glory"

I can only conclude like this
10 The Lord rules over the floodwaters.    The Lord reigns as king forever.11 The Lord gives his people strength.    The Lord blesses them with peace.
The voice of the Lord splits the mighty cedars;    the Lord shatters the cedars of Lebanon.He makes Lebanon’s mountains skip like a calf;    he makes Mount Hermon[b] leap like a young wild ox.The voice of the Lord strikes    with bolts of lightning.The voice of the Lord makes the barren wilderness quake;    the Lord shakes the wilderness of Kadesh.The voice of the Lord twists mighty oaks[c]    and strips the forests bare.In his Temple everyone shouts, “Glory!”

Understanding, Knowledge & Wisdom

These three things above could be the greatest weapons to financial freedom. 
There are many times in life when impatience gets the best of us, instead of learning and acquiring knowledge which we should apply, we are after the fish, the bananas and the money itself.
Money that comes to the hands that don't know how to manage will most definitely vanish in thin air.
The Chinese proverb says that instead of giving fish, teach someone how to fish.
knowledge acquisition to people seem so far fetched, but without knowledge and wisdom to apply it and understanding to know exactly how things work and why certain things should be done, we remain in the dark.
Seek as much knowledge as you canGain as much understanding as you canApply as much wisdom as you can

Don't rush for the Gold, rush for the knowledge to manage the gold, this will help you break free of any loop holes that make you run made.

The Bible in Proverbs 8 says
10 Choose my instruction rather than silver,
and knowledge rather than pure gold.
11 For wisdom is far more valuable than rubies.
Nothing you desire can compare with it.

This tells you that "it is not the money that is important, it is the instruction, knowledge and wisdom that will make you sustain everything you get."
Enjoy your journey of financial freedom from God's perspective